Major Projects

Rocky Hill Country Day School


Eastern Washington University


New York University

Humanities Department Curriculum Design

In 2020, Rocky Hill Country Day School combined its History and English departments, into one, truly interdisciplinary department. As the Chair of this new department, I have worked to design interdisciplinary coursework for students, especially as they transition into advanced coursework toward the end of their high school career. This has involved empowering teachers to do what works best for their classrooms, including collaborative team-teaching, a broader emphasis on critical inquiry and cultural analysis, and the implementation of discussion-based standards and practices. It has also involved developing coursework for advanced courses that have an interdisciplinary cultural focus.

English Department Curriculum Redesign

This project essentially rewrote outcomes and assessment strategies for all coursework in all majors within the English Department. Redesigned curriculum for all Literature, Technical Communication, Journalism, Creative Writing, and English Education, in the English Department. I led and organized this effort in conjunction with other colleagues to incorporate digital humanities, archival research, interdisciplinarity, and world literature and to revise classroom objectives and assessment.

Eastern Washington Prairie Restoration Project

In collaboration with local historians, writers, tribal councils, and environmental advocates, I collect and develop histories, creative works, and oral literary responses to this archival and conservation project. My work not only collects archival and current literatures about the area, its history, and its conservation initiatives, but also presents these narratives in multimodal fashion, including web databases, and interactive digital archives integrated into the space itself. The project’s primary aims are to create and maintain an environmental preserve with importance both to local communities, including underrepresented tribal communities, and to ecological conservation initiatives.

EWU Graduate and Undergraduate Symposium:  Herman Melville and American Literature

I developed, and students organized and presented this public symposium of academic and creative works, related to American Literature, with particular emphasis on the works of Herman Melville, and the broader Atlantic world. Students wrote, edited, and presented scholarly papers, ran roundtables, and performed creative pieces for the public, in coordination with the Spokane Public Library system.

Rare Books Reorganization and Digitization

I spearheaded, organized, and executed this large scale consolidation of NYU Law Library’s archival and rare books repository. This involved working with vendors and publishers to digitize library holdings, making curatorial decisions, and restructuring physical space to accommodate and properly preserve archival materials.