

“The Haunted Plantation: Ghosts, Graves, and Transformation as Resistance in Charles W. Chesnutt’s The Conjure Woman,” American Houses: Literary Spaces of Resistance and Desire, eds. Rodrigo Andrés and Cristina Alsina, Brill, 2022.


“Combustible Man: Consumption, cannibalism, and Commodity Horror in Redburn,” Rocky Mountain Review, (2020). 

“Daemons in the Pocket: Contract, Commodities, and Witchcraft in Massachusetts Bay,” Horror Studies, 11.1 (Spring 2020).

“The Universal Church of Melville’s Redburn,” ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes, and Reviews (Spring 2019).

Television Review:

“Muscles and Spells: Violent Transcendence in AMC’s ‘The Terror,’” Gothic Nature Journal, 1 (1).

Book Review:

“Anthem: Social Movements and the Sound of Solidarity in the African Diaspora,” Redmond, Shana L., MELUS: Multi Ethnic Literature of the United States, 40 (1): 212-214


Providential Capitalism: Heavenly Intervention and the Atlantic’s Divine Economist.” 2017.



Universitat de Barcelona International Symposium, 2022
Barcelona, Spain
“From Chesnutt to Lovecraft: Horror and the Phenomenology of Race.” (UN)HOUSING: DWELLINGS, MATERIALITY, AND THE SELF IN AMERICAN LITERATURE.

British Association of American Studies, 2019.
Sussex, England, UK
“The Haunted Plantation: Zombiesm Ghosts, and Transformation as Resistance in Charles W. Chesnutt’s Conjure Woman.” Race, Resistance, and the Nation in Postbellum American Literature.

Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA), 2018.
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
“American Monstrosity: Globalism and Race Panic in The Dunwich Horror.” Extraordinary Space: Locating States of Exception in the Fantastic, Panel.

British Association of Nineteenth Century Americanists, 2018.
Kings College, University College, London, England, UK
“Return of the Combustible Man: Blood-Sacrifice and Commodity (Mis)Identification in Melville’s Redburn.” Interactions with the Nonhuman World in Nineteenth Century America

The Eleventh International Melville Society Conference: Melville’s Crossings, 2017.
King’s College, London, England, UK
“Combustible Man: Commodity Identification in Herman Melville’s Redburn.”

Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA), 2017.
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
“Cannibalism, Color, and Commodification in The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym.”

Institute for research on the African Diaspora in the Americas and the Caribbean (IRADAC) , 2017. The Graduate Center of the City University of New York, (CUNY) New York, NY
“Uncommon Suffering and Divine Deliverance: Atlantic Labor, Captivity, and Community.”

Student Symposium of Popular Culture and Philosophy, 2016.
State University of New York (SUNY) Buffalo. Buffalo, NY
“Capital’s Haunted Houses: Chesnutt, Hurston, and the Uncanny in the Atlantic.”

American Literature Association Symposium on God and the American Writer, 2015.
University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX
“The Contract: Providential Capitalism and the Mayflower Compact.”

CUNY GC Conference on Currents of the Black Atlantic, 2014.
The Graduate Center of the City University of New York, (CUNY) New York, NY
“The Invisible Hand: Olaudah Equiano and the Economics of Fate and Transformation.”


Javier Coy Biennial Research Award to the best edited volume for the years 2021 and 2022
Spanish Association for American Studies, 2023.

University Faculty Grant for Research and Creative Works
Eastern Washington University 2018.

Institute for Research on the African Diaspora in the Americas and the Caribbean (IRADAC) Fellow CUNY Graduate Center 2016-2017.

Oral Exam with Distinction
CUNY Graduate Center 2015.

Graduate Teaching Fellow
CUNY Graduate Center 2012-2014.